"SET SOME GOALS!" The advice that we frequently see (and rightly so) to create a path to success, is to "set some goals and work toward them." Totally awesome advice, no doubt about it. But... there's a further problem. What's the best way to create goals? The acronym S.M.A.R.T. , frequently attributed to Peter Drucker and his management by objectives concept, is a great place to start with creating goals. The five attributes of this acronym are: Specific - nebulous goals like "I want to get my finances under control" are going to be less effective than "I will reduce my credit card debt by $2000 by March 1." Measurable - the goals need to be something that can be defined specifically. Saying "I want to lose weight" is not measurable, but saying "I want to be 180 pounds by Sept. 3" is. Attainable - the goal must be something you can see yourself doing. "I want to run a marathon" ...
Personal Evolution, Prosperity, Real Health, and My Quest to Make Life Better