I've been struggling of late to fit in time for everything I enjoy doing, and listening to my podcasts is among those things. And due to the time involved in it, Robb Wolf's The Paleo Solution Podcast frequently gets put off. Robb's a bit wordy sometimes. But as I've been getting caught up, one of the big pleasures was listening to episode 95 of the podcast, where Robb interviews Dr. William Davis. Dr. Davis has just released a new book, entitled Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health . With a title like that, you can bet what it's going to be about - Dr. Davis asserts that wheat, and particularly changes in the actual wheat plant during the population-crisis-scare of thirty years ago, are responsible for the obesity crisis in the US and increasingly around the world today. But what's truly interesting about the discussion is the number of other effects that wheat has on the population, including (probably not surpr...
Personal Evolution, Prosperity, Real Health, and My Quest to Make Life Better