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On the Use of Relics

I've been sort of smacked in the face with the use of relics in the past few days.  Now this isn't a reference to any specific religious relics - I'm not being flogged with St. Sebastian's bones or anything like that.  No, the relics I'm referring to are those that remind me of the promises I've made to myself.  J.B. Glossinger talked about relics a bit today in his Morning Coach podcast on the "Depth of Creativity."  He described them as a way to touch your spirituality or ground your spirituality in yourself, and they can be religious reminders or otherwise - whatever serves you best.

I have a few relics that I keep with me daily.  One is a Livestrong bracelet.  Yeah, that yellow one that Lance Armstrong wears.  I initially started wearing it because I thought (and still think, for that matter) that Lance is an ultra-stud and wanted to support him in his quest for the Tour de France title(s).  But as I've moved through life, the quote "Live Strong" means more and more to me.  The purpose of my relic has gone from sheer idol worship to acceptance of mindset of living with strength, being strong mentally and physically, and remembering to take care of myself and my family.

A second relic I wear regularly (until recently when its strap broke) was my Autism Speaks bracelet.  It's a reminder that I have a son who has challenges in his life, and it's my job as a father not only to help him overcome those challenges but to help him see the strengths that those challenges give him.

Interestingly, now that it's broken and the amulet portion of it is sitting on my dresser at home awaiting a new strap, I think about it even more.  As a relic, it's become so much a part of my life that I am uncomfortable not having it on my wrist.

The third relic I use is a money clip - a suggestion from Paul Kyriazi of the Live the James Bond Lifestyle seminar and website.  My clip even has three small circles on it that make me recall the beginning of a Bond movie, where Bond's being tracked by a sniper before turning and firing.  It's a reminder that money flows through my life like the energy it is, and that I need to expend that energy in a positive manner, in ways that are beneficial to me and my goals.  It's also a reminder that where I spend my money is where I'm putting my energy, so that it's important for me to spend money only on the things I deem worthy of my energy.

I see these relics as reminders of the important things in my life, and have placed importance on them to bind me to my goals and my ambitions, and also to remind me of the mindset of success that I'm working hard to adopt.  It's not always easy to make such changes in one's mindset, and anything we can do to keep those thoughts at the forefront of our consciousness will also help to push those thoughts and positive energy into our subconscious - where the real change needs to take place.

What relics do you use in your life to remind you of your goals, mindset changes, and the like?


  1. I surround myself with many relics.:) I have an old poem entitled "I Am a Voice" that is taped above my computer. It reminds me to use my own voice to ask questions, advocate for others whose voices get lost in "the system" and to speak freely and honestly. I spent many years keeping quiet, not any more.

  2. Good for you, Brenda! Words can be relics just as much as any object. One of the things I like about relics is that they're so individual and each one has a great story behind it.

    You can tell just how much the relic means to a person by the enthusiasm with which they tell that story... yours is obviously very important!


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