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On Small Steps Adding Up

I recently read Darren Hardy's new book The Compound Effect.  This is a book that I wish I could give to EVERYONE I know, it's that powerful.  And it clarified for me a number of things I knew, but didn't necessarily realize that I knew.

The book is about how to create a number of small, positive habits and actions that will add up over time to make a big impact, but one that will probably not be seen immediately.  In America, we tend to look for the BIG change, the next BIG thing.  We want to do something all at once and have a huge impact.  And we also perceive that things happen that way.

But they don't.  It just SEEMS that way.

I've been on a diet plan called the Primal Blueprint for almost two years now.  It's a low-carb, "caveman" type diet (and I highly recommend it) with some other fitness and lifestyle points attached to it.  But for a long time it seemed like nothing was happening with it.  I'd been riding my bike to work for a long time (since 2006) and had maintained a fairly solid fitness level, but I still had a lot of stomach flab and not much tone.

But I maintained the pressure.  I cut the bad stuff out of my diet, a little bit at a time.  I added nutritious food, a little bit at a time.  I exercised as the Primal Blueprint plan suggested.  And one day, a few months ago, I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to begin my morning regimen.  And I looked in the mirror.  Whoa.

I could see abs.  It wasn't a six-pack, but there were love handles.  There was definition in my midsection.  You could clearly see the crease between my shoulder muscles and my triceps.  And my pectorals were looking good.

That's the Compound Effect.  Small changes, enacted daily, and persisted over time led to a big change for the better.

Some success gurus have their own terms for it.  Morning's JB Glossinger calls it "1% improvement per day."  Paul Kyriazi of the James Bond Lifestyle Seminar doesn't give it a name, but rather makes it a part of his whole system.  And others call it other things.

But what I really like about the Compound Effect is that it'll fit into whatever system you're already using as well, because it's all about creating and persisting great habits and eliminating bad ones.  And there's no system that doesn't recognize the power of constantly improving one's self.  Each step builds on itself and leads into the next.  It starts momentum working in your favor and keeps you moving forward.

Like I said, I wish I could buy this book for everyone I know.  It's that good.  Take advantage of this great book - it's short, reads quickly, and is drilled down to the bare bones of what you need to do and why.

The Compound Effect:  get it now! You'll be glad you did.


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