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On How You Treat The Waitress

One of my favorite and most regularly-read websites is Elephant Journal. It's ostensibly a yoga and Buddhist website, but they really break into a lot of topics such as the environment, pop culture, general health issues, and more. And it's part of the more that I'm writing about today, as a follow up to their article: "Walking Your Talk: How Do You Treat The Waitress?"

A few years ago, when my family and I were vacationing in Tampa, we had dinner with some friends who met us at the hotel we were occupying at the time.  Now we'd been at this hotel for the better part of a week at this point and had gotten to know some of the staff there a little bit.  They'd always given us great service and been cheerful about everything they did, and we showed them our appreciation via tips and general friendliness.  In other words, we'd created a nice relationship with the folks working there.

We sat down with our friends in the lounge/restaurant area that night to have dinner and were chatting with each other.  We'd been sitting for a few minutes when the server who'd been so great to us all week came up to ask if we were ready to order.  And one of our friends sort of sarcastically looked up and said "oh, well, yeah, that'd be good!" and then glanced around at his wife as if to say "hey, look what a stud I am. I showed her who's boss."

Our relationship with the server sort of went downhill from that point.  Not that she gave us bad service, but her attitude toward us changed a bit since we were associated with that person who'd been so rude to her.  I noticed in the future that that friend tends to treat servers in restaurants that way a lot.  Maybe he thinks it's a sign of being better than other people or something, I don't know.

But I think the way you treat everyone around you says a lot about you.  Paul Kyriazi says in his Live the James Bond Lifestyle seminar that good tipping brings dividends tenfold - you'll get better service, businesses and their employees will remember you positively, and you'll send some positive energy out into the world which will be returned to you.

I think the same goes with common courtesy.  Lou Holtz says in his book Winning Every Day that there are three things that everyone needs to do to be successful:
  1. Do your best.
  2. Do what's right.
  3. Treat everyone as you want to be treated.  
If we don't treat others well, treating them as we wish to be treated, that's the same as not treating ourselves well.  And if we don't respect ourselves, how can we see ourselves as worthy of the goals that we have for ourselves?  How can we see ourselves as "worth it?"

Trying to boost yourself at the expense of others is a loser's game.  It's only showing your insecurity with yourself.  Treat others as you'd like to be treated and you're showing just how much you value yourself, and you're showing the universe that you're giving of yourself.  In this way, the universe knows that you're deserving of great things.  


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